Next Stagers

Next Stagers

Designed to give members a chance to meet and discuss theatre, read plays and even rehearse and stage them! You might have experience in professional or amateur theatre, be an enthusiastic audience member, or maybe just looking to make new friends in the area. Either way, if you love theatre, we’d love you to join the Next Stagers.

No previous theatre experience necessary and newcomers are always welcome!

Next Stagers members also have access to specially discounted tickets and workshops throughout the year.


“I never ever thought I would be interested in Shakespeare and now I am totally fascinated by it – you are never too old to learn anything.” – Eileen Welham

“As a group we really think we can go places –  I love being a part of The Next Stagers.”– Arthur Harding

“There is no imperative to come every single week – the group is so welcoming – you can miss a week or two and be welcomed back with open arms.” – Bev Cadby

“The whole group is not just about acting – it is also about the friendships and camaraderie.” – Linda Howard


Every Wednesday 10.30am
