Royal Philharmonic Orchestra

Royal Philharmonic Orchestra Since 2004 we have been a principle residency of the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra. Presenting some of the best orchestral music from classical masterpieces to film scores, rousing anthems to contemporary standards, this has been a real treat for us and a great asset for our town. The RPO are one of the […]

Producing Partners

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Business Plan

Business Plan Since the establishment of the Marina Theatre we have gone through a significant period of change, brought about by a range of internal factors but all with a very clear purpose of seeking to build a solid and resilient operating model that will enable all of us to look forward to a bright […]


Music students given unique opportunity to produce concerts for their peers!

An internationally renowned orchestra are being given the opportunity to work with a group of young musicians to make classical music more accessible to all. The Sound Around Project will see the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra led by music students from Lowestoft Sixth Form College – ending with a unique series of concerts at the Marina […]